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- Profil Peserta Force 11
Force 11
On Selasa, 03 November 2015
- Nim : 6703154104
- Kelas : D3KA-39-02
- Force : 11
- TTL : Sukoharjo,17 Februari 1997
- Alamat di bandung : Jalan Sukapura Gang Mangga Dua
- Kota asal :Sukoharjo (Karesidenan Surakarta, Jawa Tengah)
- No HP : 087812614881
- Motto Hidup: Warnailah Hidupmu dengan Tersenyum
- Quote :
Pesan / Masukan : Untuk Seksi Acara saat seminar setting panggung,
sound dan tampilan slide power point dibikin menarik dong biar
pesertanya jga gak boring. Hidup mocca 2015. Himaka Bisa!
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa
Inggris ) :
I chose this department because of my own volition
and supported by my parents . My real passion may also exist in the art but
maybe I think art is just a hobby . And yet a lot of jobs out there . Whereas a
person who works in finance more needed in the world of work later on . May the
force be graduated in 2015 with a satisfactory value.
- Nim : 6703154107
- Kelas : D3KA-39-02
- Force : 11
- TTL : Pariaman,12 April 1997
- Alamat di bandung : Jalan Terusan Buah Batu Gg.Pa Edo No.39 Bojongsoang
- Kota asal : Pariaman (Sumatera Barat)
- No HP : 087895746687
- Motto Hidup:No Pain, No Gain
- Quote :
Pesan / Masukan :emoga Mocca tahun depan lebig bagusa dan lebih wow! lagi meskipun mocca tahun ini sudah cukup baik
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa
Inggris ) :
reason I choose computerized accouting because first I did not pass
on state university .after that I want
try private university as the last option, but I also selectively
choose private university then I choose telkom university that
has proven its quality and
when choosing majors
computerized accounting also not my first choice but it may be because I choose majors quota has been
filled then I received
at the major of
computerized accounting is
actually my current major opposite with my major in high school at
high school is sains. contrasting with
the majors that I take is accounting, but I am
sure that the world lecturing all the lessons learned from the
beginning again.
3. Ena Hadiani
- NIM : 6703154108
- Kelas : D3 KA 39-03
- Force : 11
- TTL : Bandung, 13 Februari 1997
- Alamat di Bandung : Kp. Mangga II RT 01/ RW 01 Desa Sukapura Kec. Dayeuhkolot
- Kota Asal : Ciwidey, Bandung
- No Hp : 089687219169
- Motto Hidup : be unique as yourself and make your weakness as your strength
- Quotes :
Pesan dan Masukkan :
masuk KA : There are several reason why I choose to go into a
computerized accounting. The first reason is because I didn’t accept in my first and my
second choice. Second, maybe it is my destiny. Third, I think computerized
accounting is unique majors and still rare in many campus. The last, my parents advised me to
get into this department.
Although this is
70 % an advice from my parents but I do not feel forced into this
course, I am actually very grateful to be
accepted in this department and I can enjoy with
all of subject in this course.
selama MOCCA : During I
participated in the MOCCA 2015 I feel
quite happy. Although
the first day of MOCCA 2015, my group is less passion
but I am quite
happy to be able to get new friends, new
experiences and a lot of valuable lessons that I
can get. Experiences and lessons
that i get include compactness, cooperation,
responsibiliy, leadership, concentration, creative etc. In addition I can also know
more about the courses I am taking
and more familiar about sisters and brothers in the department I am taking . I also get the knowledge about the importance of an organization
for students and the important to manage our time
4. Ayu Nindya Mayrna Redja Putri
- Nim: 6703154082
- Kelas: D3KA39-01
- Force: 11
- Ttl: Surabaya 23 Mei 1997
- Alamat di bandung Asrama Putri Gedung F/110
- Kota asal: Surabaya
- No hp: 087752887792
- Motto hidup: Untuk mencapai sukses, keberanianmu harus lebih besar dari ketakutanmu
- Quotes: No need to say much to show who you really ar
[+] Pesan
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa Inggris )
Because Computerized Accounting gives a nice future. Especially in the world of work
[+]Pesan/Masukkan : Semoga angkatan 2015 bisa terus kompak sampai lulus, jangan sampai ada perpecahan atau kubu-kubu
Alasan masuk KA : I have not received a major in accounting degree program, therefore I entered this department
7. Sarah Sabira
5. Sovia Ranti MZ
- Nim : 6703154109
- Kelas:04
- Force:11
- Ttl : Teluk Dalam. 13 September 1997
- Alamat di bandung: jalan sukapura
- Kota asal: riau
- No hp:082389347818
- Motto hidup: mensyukuri segala hal yang di dapat
- Quote : be quick to remember be slow to forget
Alasan masuk KA: not have another choice
6. Dhita Aira Juniantika
- NIM : 6703152073
- Kelas : D3.KA.39.01
- Force : 11
- Ttl : Jakarta, 17 Juni 1998
- Alamat di Bandung : Jl. Telekomunikasi, Dayeuh Kolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40257. Asrama putri gedung A, Telkom University
- Kota asal : Jakarta
- No.HP : 081210731199
- Motto hidup :
- Quote :
[+]Pesan/Masukkan : Semoga angkatan 2015 bisa terus kompak sampai lulus, jangan sampai ada perpecahan atau kubu-kubu
Alasan masuk KA : I have not received a major in accounting degree program, therefore I entered this department
7. Sarah Sabira
- nim: 6703154110
- kelas: D3KA-39-02
- force: 11
- ttl: medan, 26 januari 1998
- alamat: jl. telekomunikasi terusan buah batu
- kota asal: jakarta
- no hp: 081212544840
- motto hidup: jadi lebih baik
- quote: "if you didn't fight for what you want don't cry for what you've lose"
pesan&masukan: lebih baik lagi
alasan masuk KA: the reason I got a computer accounting because my parents
8. Nisa Vionita
- Nim 6703154105
- Kelas : D3KA-39-04
- Force : 11
- TTL : Jakarta, 22 agustus 1997
- Alamat di Bandung : Jalan mangga dua, desa sukapura
- Kota asal : Jakarta
- No HP : 081282495650
- Motto hidup : Kejarlah terus, jika perlu berlari larilah dan jangan lihat lagi ke belakang.
- Quote : “Hidup itu bukan perjuangan tapi perjalanan. melangkahlah kemanapun kau mau tapi ingat cepat atau lambat kita semua akan bertemu ditempat yang sama.”
- Pesan/Masukkan : Tetap semangat !!
Alasan masuk KA ( Inggris ) :
honestly, my first choice is accounting. But fortunately
i still be accepted at my fourth choice, it is computerized accounting. I never felt like i’m drowning, but i’m just sometimes through some difficult because, i found new subject i’ve never studied it before. But, now i’m very gratefully be a part of computerized accounting
9. Hendri Sumarno Pabisangan
- NIM:6703154098
- KELAS:D3KA-39-04
- FORCE:11
- TTL:Rantepao,12-03-1997
- ALAMAT DI BANDUNG:Jl.mangga dua,ds sukapura,RT05/RW01,dayeuh kolot,bandung.jawa barat
- NO HP:082194105552