Archive for 2015
About Mocca 2015
Jarkon Mocca 2015
Mocca 2015 !!!
We Are KA Excellent !!!
Yel -Yel Force 11
Sudah Kubilang Duduk Dirumah Saja
Jangan Kau Berani Melawan Force Kita
Jangan Kau Tanya Apa Itu Akibatnya
FORCE 11 Obrak abrik semuanya!!!
Siapa Yang Suruh LAwan Force Sebelas.. Oi.. Oi..
Siapa Yang Suruh Lawan Force Sebelas.. Oi.. Oi..
FORCE Sebelas !!!
Ngobrak-Ngabrik Cinnnn!!!
Profil Peserta Force 11
- Nim : 6703154104
- Kelas : D3KA-39-02
- Force : 11
- TTL : Sukoharjo,17 Februari 1997
- Alamat di bandung : Jalan Sukapura Gang Mangga Dua
- Kota asal :Sukoharjo (Karesidenan Surakarta, Jawa Tengah)
- No HP : 087812614881
- Motto Hidup: Warnailah Hidupmu dengan Tersenyum
- Quote :
Pesan / Masukan : Untuk Seksi Acara saat seminar setting panggung,
sound dan tampilan slide power point dibikin menarik dong biar
pesertanya jga gak boring. Hidup mocca 2015. Himaka Bisa!
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa
Inggris ) :
I chose this department because of my own volition
and supported by my parents . My real passion may also exist in the art but
maybe I think art is just a hobby . And yet a lot of jobs out there . Whereas a
person who works in finance more needed in the world of work later on . May the
force be graduated in 2015 with a satisfactory value.
- Nim : 6703154107
- Kelas : D3KA-39-02
- Force : 11
- TTL : Pariaman,12 April 1997
- Alamat di bandung : Jalan Terusan Buah Batu Gg.Pa Edo No.39 Bojongsoang
- Kota asal : Pariaman (Sumatera Barat)
- No HP : 087895746687
- Motto Hidup:No Pain, No Gain
- Quote :
Pesan / Masukan :emoga Mocca tahun depan lebig bagusa dan lebih wow! lagi meskipun mocca tahun ini sudah cukup baik
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa
Inggris ) :
reason I choose computerized accouting because first I did not pass
on state university .after that I want
try private university as the last option, but I also selectively
choose private university then I choose telkom university that
has proven its quality and
when choosing majors
computerized accounting also not my first choice but it may be because I choose majors quota has been
filled then I received
at the major of
computerized accounting is
actually my current major opposite with my major in high school at
high school is sains. contrasting with
the majors that I take is accounting, but I am
sure that the world lecturing all the lessons learned from the
beginning again.
3. Ena Hadiani
- NIM : 6703154108
- Kelas : D3 KA 39-03
- Force : 11
- TTL : Bandung, 13 Februari 1997
- Alamat di Bandung : Kp. Mangga II RT 01/ RW 01 Desa Sukapura Kec. Dayeuhkolot
- Kota Asal : Ciwidey, Bandung
- No Hp : 089687219169
- Motto Hidup : be unique as yourself and make your weakness as your strength
- Quotes :
Pesan dan Masukkan :
masuk KA : There are several reason why I choose to go into a
computerized accounting. The first reason is because I didn’t accept in my first and my
second choice. Second, maybe it is my destiny. Third, I think computerized
accounting is unique majors and still rare in many campus. The last, my parents advised me to
get into this department.
Although this is
70 % an advice from my parents but I do not feel forced into this
course, I am actually very grateful to be
accepted in this department and I can enjoy with
all of subject in this course.
selama MOCCA : During I
participated in the MOCCA 2015 I feel
quite happy. Although
the first day of MOCCA 2015, my group is less passion
but I am quite
happy to be able to get new friends, new
experiences and a lot of valuable lessons that I
can get. Experiences and lessons
that i get include compactness, cooperation,
responsibiliy, leadership, concentration, creative etc. In addition I can also know
more about the courses I am taking
and more familiar about sisters and brothers in the department I am taking . I also get the knowledge about the importance of an organization
for students and the important to manage our time
4. Ayu Nindya Mayrna Redja Putri
- Nim: 6703154082
- Kelas: D3KA39-01
- Force: 11
- Ttl: Surabaya 23 Mei 1997
- Alamat di bandung Asrama Putri Gedung F/110
- Kota asal: Surabaya
- No hp: 087752887792
- Motto hidup: Untuk mencapai sukses, keberanianmu harus lebih besar dari ketakutanmu
- Quotes: No need to say much to show who you really ar
[+] Pesan
Alasan Masuk KA ( Bahasa Inggris )
Because Computerized Accounting gives a nice future. Especially in the world of work
[+]Pesan/Masukkan : Semoga angkatan 2015 bisa terus kompak sampai lulus, jangan sampai ada perpecahan atau kubu-kubu
Alasan masuk KA : I have not received a major in accounting degree program, therefore I entered this department
7. Sarah Sabira
5. Sovia Ranti MZ
- Nim : 6703154109
- Kelas:04
- Force:11
- Ttl : Teluk Dalam. 13 September 1997
- Alamat di bandung: jalan sukapura
- Kota asal: riau
- No hp:082389347818
- Motto hidup: mensyukuri segala hal yang di dapat
- Quote : be quick to remember be slow to forget
Alasan masuk KA: not have another choice
6. Dhita Aira Juniantika
- NIM : 6703152073
- Kelas : D3.KA.39.01
- Force : 11
- Ttl : Jakarta, 17 Juni 1998
- Alamat di Bandung : Jl. Telekomunikasi, Dayeuh Kolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40257. Asrama putri gedung A, Telkom University
- Kota asal : Jakarta
- No.HP : 081210731199
- Motto hidup :
- Quote :
[+]Pesan/Masukkan : Semoga angkatan 2015 bisa terus kompak sampai lulus, jangan sampai ada perpecahan atau kubu-kubu
Alasan masuk KA : I have not received a major in accounting degree program, therefore I entered this department
7. Sarah Sabira
- nim: 6703154110
- kelas: D3KA-39-02
- force: 11
- ttl: medan, 26 januari 1998
- alamat: jl. telekomunikasi terusan buah batu
- kota asal: jakarta
- no hp: 081212544840
- motto hidup: jadi lebih baik
- quote: "if you didn't fight for what you want don't cry for what you've lose"
pesan&masukan: lebih baik lagi
alasan masuk KA: the reason I got a computer accounting because my parents
8. Nisa Vionita
- Nim 6703154105
- Kelas : D3KA-39-04
- Force : 11
- TTL : Jakarta, 22 agustus 1997
- Alamat di Bandung : Jalan mangga dua, desa sukapura
- Kota asal : Jakarta
- No HP : 081282495650
- Motto hidup : Kejarlah terus, jika perlu berlari larilah dan jangan lihat lagi ke belakang.
- Quote : “Hidup itu bukan perjuangan tapi perjalanan. melangkahlah kemanapun kau mau tapi ingat cepat atau lambat kita semua akan bertemu ditempat yang sama.”
- Pesan/Masukkan : Tetap semangat !!
Alasan masuk KA ( Inggris ) :
honestly, my first choice is accounting. But fortunately
i still be accepted at my fourth choice, it is computerized accounting. I never felt like i’m drowning, but i’m just sometimes through some difficult because, i found new subject i’ve never studied it before. But, now i’m very gratefully be a part of computerized accounting
9. Hendri Sumarno Pabisangan
- NIM:6703154098
- KELAS:D3KA-39-04
- FORCE:11
- TTL:Rantepao,12-03-1997
- ALAMAT DI BANDUNG:Jl.mangga dua,ds sukapura,RT05/RW01,dayeuh kolot,bandung.jawa barat
- NO HP:082194105552